Hemp Oil Extracts
MediHemp: Organic Hemp CBD Oil Extracts, Food Products and VETRIHEMP Pet Products

Just for a moment, think back to the number of times you have been focused on making a lifestyle change and suddenly it came with a whole ton of do’s and don’ts. They may have consisted with a ‘don’t eat that, try this, that’s no good for you, fats too high, proteins aren’t clean, romaine is on recall’, and so on. Confusing to say the least and typically we end up giving up or in before we even have a chance to really get started.
The reality is, there is so much information out there that contradicts one from the other and everyday people like you or I are left wondering what is even up from down anymore! These things can be especially true when it comes to feeding our bodies. Whether it be through a new diet change or introduction of supplements the way we are often overwhelmed with information can be too much – even for those well versed in the space.
Now, if we ask the people at Medihemp how they keep things so simple their response is summed up with two words; try hemp. You see, there is little disagreement that when it comes to hemp – and the type cultivated and distributed properly – that it possesses a wide range of nutritional benefits that are incredibly nourishing to the body.
Hemp is known for being rich in quality protein, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and a plethora of vitamins and minerals. And, possibly one of the best parts about it all is that it actually tastes pretty good too!
So, what does this have to do with Medihemp? Well, we’ll let you in on that …
Organic hemp extracts, that you can expect from Medihemp, help restore something called your inner equilibrium. Specifically, after longer periods of stress. Because this whole, natural plant is available via extracts, they have become increasingly more popular for people who are seeking more relaxation, a better night sleep and even pain management. You will probably agree that more and more people are seeking out natural and safer ways to managing the above-mentioned things people are seeking, right?
So, why not do so with something as safe and above all else natural, like hemp.
Why Choose Medihemp?
First and foremost, the products produced, manufactured and sold from Medihemp are all made in Austria. They use every piece of the hemp plant ensuring that nothing goes to waste. Sustainable ingredients and products are not new age, they’re just smart.
Curious how all of the hemp plant is used? Well, the flower and leaves are used in products that deliver both CBD and CBG. These are most common in high-quality and organic hemp extracts. The leaves are also made into tea and the seeds found within the plants are made into high-quality oils and protein. Lastly, the hurds which are the woody part of the hemp plant are used in textiles, organic fertilizers and building materials. Waste not, want not.
One thing that is pretty evident about the Medihemp brand is their focus on quality. And, this quality starts as early as the cultivation process right through to the delivery to the consumer. In the final phase, each of the products are tested for quality in outside laboratories to ensure that optimal quality is reached each and every time.
Their products are guaranteed to be free of any heavy metals, pesticides and other substances that are not suitable or desirable in foodstuffs.
Medihemp Products
There are two (2) Categories when it comes to the Medihemp Product line;
- Organic Hemp Extracts
- Organic Hemp Food Products
The organic hemp extracts are designed to help your body manage and cope with physiological stresses our bodies endure. They are an excellent line of support to help you deal with overall wellbeing and stresses. As we mentioned above, they are designed to promote wellbeing in your inner equilibrium. The organic hemp extracts have been able to help with sleep disorders, effects of stress and even those aches and pains that have been otherwise treated with pharmaceuticals.
There are 4 different Products in the Organic Hemp Extracts Category;
- Organic Hemp Essence – a CBG rich full spectrum extract in organic hemp seed oil.
- Organic Hemp Complete – a CBD rich full spectrum extract in organic hemp seed oil.
- Organic Hemp Pure – a Premium CBD extract in organic hemp seed oil.
- Organic CBD Premium – a Pure, natural CBD in high concentrated crystalline form.
Each of the products have a full description available on the website which touch upon their tastes, benefits, delivery methods, potencies, bioavailability and more. The variation of dosages and delivery forms available is a nice and important touch done by Medihemp. Primarily, because we do not all manage the same way when it comes to sleep (or lack thereof), aches and pains and overall body makeup. It is important for consumers to have options and Medihemp appears to have overdelivered in this area!
There are 5 Different Products in the Organic Hemp Food Products;
- Organic Hemp Tea – caffeine free mood booster that can be used daily
- Organic Hemp Nuts – delicious, healthy and allergen free!
- Organic Hemp Nut Oil – Vegan, raw food quality, unrefined and unfiltered.
- Organic Hemp Seed Oil Plus CBD – a combination of the Hemp Seed Oil complemented by the benefits of CBD as found in the extracts.
- Organic Hemp Protein Powder – easy to digest with a wealth of nutrients that your body craves.
How to Order the MediHemp Products
The simplest way to order these products is when you are on their website determining which ones will suit you best, below each one is an easy order button that will take you right through to a seamless checkout process. Each of their means of contact are also available on the website should you choose to speak with someone before ordering.
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