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New American Journal Of Medicine And NHANES Marijuana Research Shows Diabetics Can Benefit From Cannabis Use

Jane S



New American Journal Of Medicine And NHANES Marijuana Research Shows Diabetics Can Benefit From Cannabis Use

Over the years of research into the benefits of marijuana, the information brought to light has encouraged many states to create legislation that allow for medical and recreational use. As recently as last year, the FDA approved a drug to treat two rare forms of epilepsy with the use of CBD. Considering how common diabetes is within the United States, is it possible for patients with diabetes to benefit from marijuana use?

The American Journal of Medicine recently published a study that suggests that diabetics could find benefits from this substance. In the study, there were over 4,600 participants that engaged in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (MHANES). Out of the participants, regular users accounted for 580 individuals, and there were over 1,900 participants that had used marijuana at some point in their life. Researchers determined, based on the information available, that the use of marijuana contributed to a lower insulin level while fasting. Usage was also associated with a smaller measurement on the waist.

The Natural Medicine Journal posted another study – the NHANES study – which tested the cannabis use in multiple mice. In the study, these mice were protected from getting diabetes with the use of cannabis, or their severity of the reaction was lessened.

Jane is a regular contributor who learned about the great benefits of CBD a few years ago after starting it herself. Impressed by its effects, she's interested in helping others learn about options that can be helpful for them.

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