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CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)

NanoCraft CBD Oil: Cannabidiol Drops, Pain Salves, Softgels and Supplements

CBD COR Reviewers




Cannabinol (CBD) is a component derived from hemp. To date, it has been known to help with epilepsy, anxiety and any other physical discomfort to name a few. The CBD market has witnessed a wide range of products making an entrance including oils, vapes, bath bombs, pet related nutrition and so on, but what’s unique this time around is the infusion of CBD and fitness. This is where NanoCraft makes the grand entrance.

NanoCraft proclaims itself as a CBD-oriented firm that exists to educate consumers on the benefits of hemp extracts while ensuring that said consumers experience them as well. To see how the combination of CBD and health and fitness work together, this respective review will provide a complete breakdown on NanoCraft in terms of its purpose, products offered, and its overall affordability.

What Is NanoCraft?

NanoCraft is the coming together of two long-time friends who share one thing in common: health and wellbeing. This being said, the duo decided to partner up to come up with ways to infuse CBD into fitness and health-related supplements.

This is definitely innovative and natural at the same time considering CBD’s ability to heal physical pains and hence serve as a potential post-workout. As for the foundation of the firm, it seems to revolve around science, quality and overall performance. To see how these three factors have been maximized, let’s take a quick look at the products offered.

NanoCraft Products

Currently, NanoCraft offers CBD-infused Softgels, Drops, Pain Sticks, Supplements and Water. Here’s an in-depth analysis of each product respectively:


The soft gels offered are oil-based and each contain 25mg of CBD, CBG and CBN. CBG also referred to as cannabigerol, is known for its ability to prevent bacterial formation, and potentially reduce inflammation.

Then there’s CBN, or cannabinoid, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties as well along with its ability to induce pain relief and promote sleep. The trio is believed to work together to bring ideal results. While it is unclear what exactly the purpose of the CBD-infused soft gels is, based on the properties, it seems like it can be used as a post workout (i.e. pain relief and better sleep). For a total of 30 servings, consumers can expect to invest approximately $215.


The drops come with different purposes. For instance, if consumers need a boost in the day, then the Day formulas can come in handy as a pre-workout so to speak. Similarly, Night formulas are also available to ensure one is fully rested. The Day formula includes a significant amount of CBD (i.e. 10mg per serving), mint and cacao for flavor, organic coffee and vitamin B-12, which NanoCraft believes is essential for increased productivity levels. To promote peaceful sleep, the Night formula supposedly contains lavender and melatonin with 10mg of CBD per serving. Both costs approximately $59.99 each.

Pain Salves

Pain Salves were created with the intentions of reducing post workout soreness, which are caused by tearing of muscle tissues. As per the claims made, CBD has the potential to reduce recovery time, while ridding the body of inflammation caused by exercising. In addition to the 500mg of CBD present (a 100mg strength is also available), essential oils have also been included to maximize pain relief. This pain salve has been recommended for arthritis, tendinitis, joint, muscle and back pain and much more. The current going price is about $54.99.


The supplements category is still in its infancy stages as NanoCraft currently only offers its CBD Superfood Green Powder– with its BCAAs coming in the near future. As for the CBD Superfood Green Powder, it has been created with the intention of delivering essential nutrients, phytonutrients and antioxidants.

Given that most fitness fanatics have to be careful with their diet, this can be a helpful addition. Based on the product description, it looks like alkalizing green juice powders, probiotics, enzymes and stress harmonizing adaptogens have also been incorporated for full body nutrition. The CBD content found per serving is approximately 25mg and this supplement is offered at approximately $74.99.

Is NanoCraft Affordable?

In terms of NanoCraft’s affordability, one might argue that compared to traditional supplements, NanoCraft is higher in prices, but considering the several factors that exist, they are actually reasonably priced.

First, all of the products claim to be supported by science, which is validating considering the many unregistered CBD products that are still lurking the internet. Second, the source of CBD used has supposedly been tested and is said to contain no sources of pesticides, solvents, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. It would have been nice to see actual lab results; however, this is not always a requirement. Lastly, each product contains much more than CBD, which makes up in the cost of the product.

NanoCraft Final Thoughts

NanoCraft appears to be a brand worth giving a shot, considering the amount of time they spent in coming up with fitness solutions revolving around the properties of CBD. While there’s still room for growth – especially with the limited supplements currently available – what’s already being offered appears to have been given a lot of thought.

An interesting facet of NanoCraft is their willingness to educate consumers on how CBD helps within the health and fitness industry, as they’ve since offered different blog posts giving in-depth examples and scenarios as to how the healing works.

As competition within the CBD market increases, more is required of said firms, hence the fact that lab results aren’t available appears to be the only con. And price wise, the time and effort put into creating said products make it relatively affordable.

The COR CBD Reviewers team embodies research-driven dedication by delivering finely-churned and freshly-minted reviews of cannabidiol and hemp supplements to help clear customer confusion. As consumers, we only want the best quality as the top priority. As reviewers, we want to dig deep into the company and product line and design in-depth deep dives for examining a brand's history, ingredient sourcing, purity origins, taste, customer service, shipping support, return refund policy, pricing and third-party lab results.

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