Cannabidiol Uses

Who Uses CBD Oil? Is It For Pain Relief Or A Sleep Aid Or An Anxiety Reducer?



With the increase in legalization of marijuana occurring across North America, an increase in usage of cannabidiol or CBD oil is not surprising. What may be surprising, however, is who is using CBD oil. Gaining in rapid popularity is the use of CBD oil in the senior population, and with good reason. Below discusses why the older adult population is turning to CBD oil to ease their ailments.

1. Joint Pain

Whether joint pain is experienced in a single joint or is occurring in multiple joint sites, managing chronic joint pain with traditional pharmaceuticals can be a challenge. A number of conditions can cause joint pain. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthralgia rheumatica, bursitis, and more.

While research is still in the early stages regarding efficacy of CBD oil on a number of inflammatory conditions, available research to date is promising in regards to management of osteoarthritis (at least in rats). However, what is also interesting are the anecdotal reports from patients. Primary care providers are seeing an influx in older adults presenting with reports of now using CBD oil to successfully manage chronic joint pain.

An important caveat for patients and their providers is to ensure a full medication review is undertaken to assess for possible contraindications between prescription medications and use of CBD oil.

2. Sleep

CBD oil is making an impressive impression on managing chronic joint pain. With this pain being better managed patients are often able to sleep better. Additionally, a common prescription is to use CBD oil in the morning to manage pain and a dose of CBD oil with a small amount of THC at bedtime to both manage pain and provide calming benefits from THC. Each user of THC must use caution when first trying it. A number of people may unfortunately experience the opposite of the relaxing effects, including paranoia and insomnia.

As with most all medication dosages, start low and go slow. It is best that an experienced provider in prescribing THC and CBD is consulted for the most appropriate dose.

3. Anxiety

Using marijuana to relax is no longer just a strategy for young adults. More and more often older adults are now turning to CBD oil and THC for reducing stress and anxiety. Routes of usage include ingestion of gummies, butter, baked products, topical applications, and, of course smoking. As discussed above, it is extremely important to use caution when trying out marijuana to relax.

Even small amounts of butter or baked goods, such as cookies or brownies, can have unwanted side effects resulting in paranoia or the classic “body stone.” It is best to try only a small amount given the possible potency, and be with a trusted friend or family member in case you run into any concerns.

As with all forms of medication, consulting with your health care provider is advised. Most providers are open to discussing CBD oil and THC as a management option if it works for you. Don’t hide from your doctor what you are taking. This is particularly important if you are using any prescribed psychotropics, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, sedatives, or are booked for surgery where anaesthetics will be given.
