Marijuana Movement

New Israeli CBD Study Reveals Cannabidiol May Be An Effective Autism Treatment



Ben Gurion University and Sorkoa Medical Center, both in Israel, conducted a joint study. The study determined that cannabis oil may be able to alleviate symptoms associated with autism, such as depression, tics, seizures, restlessness, and fits of rage.

188 teenagers participated in the study and over the course of the study, over 80% of parents reported a noticeable improvement in their child’s behavior. Of the 80%, 30% reported that the changes were significant, 53.7% reported moderate improvements, and just 15% reported no change or improvement. As for the patients themselves, they too reported improvements.

Interestingly enough, even before the study began, a mere 26% were able to independently dress and shower. However, during the study, the figure increased to nearly 50% In addition to being able to shower and dress independently, users also reported improved sleep, concentration, and performance of daily task.

Most of the study’s participants had been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the past few years. During, the study, the participants used 30% CBD and 1.5% THC. The organization Tikun Olam funded the study. Tikun Olam is one of the largest cannabis suppliers in Israel.

Dr. Victor Novak, one of the study’s authors, reported,

“While this study suggests that cannabis treatment is safe and can improve Autism symptoms and improve ASD patient’s quality of life, we believe that double blind placebo-controlled trials are crucial for a better understanding of the cannabis effect on ASD patients.”

This study establishes a path, at least, that may provide those with autism some reprieve from their condition.
