CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)

Merkabah Labs: Organic CBD Oil Tinctures, Drops, Recovery Salve And Massage Oils



About Merkabah Labs

Merkabah Labs products are 100% organic, non-GMO, Vegan-friendly and gluten-free. These products are made in an FDA approved facility that follows all GMP standards and procedures strictly to ensure quality and potency. The supercritical CO2 extraction process is used to remove all the unwanted compounds. They do not contain herbicides, pesticides, chemicals, fertilizers, and solvents. They are manufactured from all natural ingredients and hence no side effects.

Merkabah Labs has five MCT lines of coconut oil tincture infused with natural ginger-turmeric, orange, pet, and peppermint hemp extract drops. Merkabah Labs products reduce cancer symptoms, arthritic pain, reduce anxiety, and increase your pets’ appetite. They improve the immune system, boost brain functioning, cardiovascular health and enhance sleep. These products are not inspected by FDA because they are not meant to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any health condition or disease.

The hemp seed oil comprised in the CBD products assists in reducing inflammation, balancing hormones, boosting the immune system, regulating moods, and improving brain health.

Merkabah Labs Products

Merkabah Tinctures

These tinctures served in a dropper bottle for an easy measure of the dosage. Tinctures come in a 1oz bottle containing 500mg, 250mg, 1000mg and 750mg of hemp oil. Top grade hemp oil is used to provide all nutrients required for maximum health benefits. They are also made with different flavors to get rid of the original hemp oil taste. CBD tinctures contain phytocannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes, and fatty acids. Merkabah tinctures are flavored with ginger-turmeric, organic orange, peppermint, organic natural and organic happy days pets drops.

The organic ginger-turmeric tinctures cost $55.00. This flavor is also served in other hemp oil amounts that include 1500mg and 2500mg. Organic peppermint flavored tincture currently costs $65. Organic orange tinctures retail at $45.00.

Natural Happy Day drops can be absorbed quickly by your pets for faster results. The drops can be mixed with food or given orally by use of a dropper. It comes in a 30ml bottle with 1000mg or 250mg each. These 250mg pet drops go for $25.00. Finally, organic natural tinctures go for $25.00. A pet weighing 20 pounds should be given 0.5mg dosage twice daily and increase gradually to a dosage of 2.5mg per day.

Merkabah Isolate

CBD Isolate is prepared from CBD oil extracted from 100% United States of America Hemp plant. The Isolate brand tests to be 99.9% pure and is verified by a third party lab to ensure its safety for users’ consumption. It is THC free and hence cannot make a person feel intoxicated.

Merkabah Isolate is pure white and does not contain residual solvents or heavy metals. The CBD Isolate occurs in two forms that is powder and crystal form. Mature Hemp plant stalks are extracted to make CBD crystal Isolate. Isolate can be added to drinks or food to get useful results, and it costs $40.00.

Deep Relief Massage Oil

Only pure organic and naturally cultivated ingredients are used in preparing the hemp massage oil. Deep relief massage oil is manufactured using organic Jojoba, Sweet Almond oil, Frankincense oil, hemp extract, and LOVE. Hemp oil comes in an 8oz bottle containing 2000mg CBD and 250mg in a 1oz bottle. With the use of massage oil, helps to reduce anxiety, soothes inflammation, nurse sports injuries, relax overworked muscles, neurological disorders and broken bones. The 2000mg massage oil costs $75.00, and 250mg bottle retails at $25.00. The 2000mg CBD oil is suitable for individuals searching for highly concentrated massage oil to ease severe pains.

Recovery Salve

Recovery salve is formulated to soothe muscle pain, relaxing irritating skin, reducing soreness, and joint pain. The naturally organic ingredients used to make this balm include cocoa butter, beeswax, hemp seed oil, hemp extract, juniper oil, jojoba oil, Arnica Montana oil. Other ingredients include black pepper, sweet Almond, Cajeput oil, black seed oil, and Shea butter.

It’s recommended to clean the target area before applying. Apply the salve and rub while massaging until it’s completely absorbed. 1000mg recovery salve is served in 2oz tin costing $60.

Are Merkabah Labs Products Worth Buying?

Merkabah Labs products are worth the price because they contain all the essential nutrients required in your body to live a healthy and pain-free life. These brands can be purchased from the seller’s website, but there are no discounts at the moment. We can recommend these CBD products to anyone looking for a quality brand.

Moreover, Merkabah Labs offers free domestic shipping to 50 states and 240 countries worldwide. It’s always important to first confirm whether these products are authorized in your country before purchasing them. The few customers review the products has shown that they are beneficial and have long-lasting results. The prices are fair compared to other brands with the same amount of hemp oil concentration. Merkabah guarantees 100% customer satisfaction.
