CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)

Fab CBD: Natural Terpene-Rich Cannabidiol Hemp Oil Extract Drops, Chews and Topicals



Ever got stuck in figuring out how to start your CBD journey? CBD, also referred to as cannabinol, has been making waves on social media for having a positive effect on epilepsies and physical pain relief. While some confusions arose in the earlier times where CBD was compared to marijuana’s mind-altering cannabinoid, THC, many are educating themselves enough to know that the two are opposite poles! When it comes to picking a CBD brand, it is essential to go with one that values pureness, high-quality, and effective strength to name the least. This is where Fab CBD comes into play.

Fab CBD claims itself as being a brand for the people, as their main focus is to ensure that one’s health is up to par. The purpose of this review is to analyze Fab CBD’s line of cannabinol products. This includes looking at the variety being offered, potential uses and its price factor.

What Is Fab CBD?

Fab CBD is a brand that focuses on wellness. With over 25 years of experience and the different ways, health was approached by the team, i.e. fitness and supplement, their new endeavor towards CBD reflects a passion for consumer wellness. The firm supposedly started to help the co-founders’ mother and grandmother to get off of prescription drugs and the journey only expanded since.

Fab CBD Products

FAB CBD carries three formats of consumable CBD, which include Oil Drops, Muscle and Joint Topical solutions and Soft Chews. Here is a brief look at what each category entails and how consumers can benefit from them:

CBD Oil Drops

CBD Oil Drops were created as a natural dietary supplement to combat health concerns. One can choose either an unflavored oil or between citrus and mint. In terms of strength, the oil drops are currently offered in 150mg, 300mg and 600mg of strength each containing 2.5mg, 5mg and 10mg per serving respectively. As for its uses, consumers are advised to take half a dropper underneath the tongue, which should be left rested for approximately 30 seconds for better absorption prior to swallowing.

Consumers are advised to intake it once to twice daily. This being said, when it comes to CBD, it really depends on one’s body and tolerance level, therefore, if the suggested quantity is not enough, one can either take an additional serving or move up to the next biggest strength present to avoid finishing the supplement too soon.

CBD Muscle And Joint Topical

Fab CBD’s Muscle and Joint Topical solution has been created for those who dislike orally ingesting the oils. However, as per the claims made, the main reason for creating a topical solution is to get direct healing. This is not achieved with oils because they target the full body and could take as long as two hours to kick in. Topical solutions are advantageous because the skin immediately absorbs the contents – which makes healing much faster.

Ultimately, consumers are advised to apply right to the affected regions. It seems like the lotion’s scent combines a wide range of natural ingredients such as vitamin E, chamomile and blood orange essential oil – which all also contribute towards a nourished and relaxing skin and mind.

CBD Chews

To make CBD consumption enjoyable, Fab CBD has created the chews, which are proclaimed as non-GMO, all natural and vegan. It is also important to note that they are 100% free of THC, which is a type of cannabinoid that triggers psychoactive effects. To make optimal use of the chews, consumers are recommended to take them as needed, as a snack or as a post-workout treat.

Fab CBD Overall Affordability

In terms of affordability, consumers can expect Fab CBD supplements to cost anywhere between $39 and $64. This appears to be considered reasonable if quality and quantity were taken into account. The aforementioned two do not seem to be a problem, as Fab CBD is based on scientific methods and have since posted their lab results for each and every product for validation and reliability purposes.

Fab CBD Final Thoughts

By looking at the analysis above, it is evident that Fab CBD is not as extensive of a brand as others, where the latter typically places more emphasis on different target markets. Despite the simplicity of the brand, it is clear that the overall goal is to ensure quality is not compromised every step of the way.

A competitive advantage Fab CBD has over others is their thought process for muscle and joint pain. While most brands simply focus on oils, Fab CBD came up with a topical solution that brings immediate relief, which is noteworthy. Also, they’ve made their lab results available, which is essential for consumers’ overall confidence. Finally, Fab CBD is one of the fewest brands that seem to offer CBD infused products at significantly reasonable prices!
